Our Driver Apprenticeship Programme

To get on the Driver Apprenticeship at Aldi, you’ve got to be pretty good behind the wheel. (After all, you do need a full and clean UK Driving licence.) But we’re also just as interested in how driven you are. Because to really succeed, you have to grab every opportunity that comes your way. If you do, you’ll get some of the best people in the industry teaching you, and be well on your way to starting a career packed with rewarding moments.

We have great camaraderie here, and give our people (yep, even our apprentices) bags of responsibility. But if you like that, then you’ll fit right in. And if all’s gone well, you’ll have a Category C + E licence at the end of the year, and be offered a permanent role in Aldi.

A programme like no other

Some of what we'll offer you

If you give your absolute best, we’ll make every effort to show our appreciation. That’s why we offer a whole host of benefits.

Meet one of our Apprentices

We’ve got so many great things to say about our Drivers Apprenticeship Programme, but sometimes it just helps to hear from actual apprentices. Which is why we asked current Driver Apprentice Andy to talk about their experience. So just hit play, sit back, and enjoy. Who knows, this could be you one day.

Our application process

Application hints and tips

We know...we've mentioned this rather a lot, but it's important. You have to be the Aldi type to succeed here. You need to be right for us, and we need to be right for you. To make sure everyone's happy, we've put together a structured application process. For the Drivers Apprenticeship Programme, there are four simple steps. And if you ever have any questions - or just some wonderful words or apprentice wisdom - then watch our helpful application advice videos here. Good luck!

Apply now

You’ve checked out what we’ve got to offer, met our apprentices and are ready for the challenge. So it’s time to go for it. Apply now or register your interest for future vacancies.

(Make sure you watch our application process videos for some handy hints and tips.)

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